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Leetcode Tasks


 * @param {number[]} candies
 * @param {number} extraCandies
 * @return {boolean[]}
const kidsWithCandies = (candies, extraCandies) => {
    const max = Math.max(...candies)
    const maxIndex = candies.indexOf(max)
    return, index) =>
        (candy + extraCandies >= max) || index === maxIndex


 * @param {string} s
 * @param {number} k
 * @return {string}
const licenseKeyFormatting = (s, k) => {
    const dashlessKey = s.replaceAll('-', '').toUpperCase()
    const groupCount = Math.floor(dashlessKey.length / k)
    const remainder = dashlessKey.length % k
    let key = dashlessKey.slice(0, remainder)

    let currPos = remainder
    for (let i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
        endPos = currPos + k
        key += "-" + dashlessKey.slice(currPos, endPos)

        currPos = endPos
    return key[0] === "-" ? key.replace('-', '') : key


 * @param {number[][]} matrix
 * @return {boolean}
const isToeplitzMatrix = (matrix) => {
    return matrix.every((curr_row, curr_row_index) => {
        return matrix.every((row, row_index) => {
            if (curr_row_index >= row_index) return true

            return row.every((number, number_index) => {
                if (number_index < row_index - curr_row_index) return true

                const curr_number = curr_row[number_index - row_index + curr_row_index]
                if (typeof curr_number !== undefined) return number === curr_number

                return true


 * @param {number} low
 * @param {number} high
 * @return {number}
const countOdds = (low, high) => {
    const isLowOdd = low % 2 === 1
    const isHighOdd = high % 2 === 1
    const totalCount = high - low + 1
    let oddCount = Math.floor(totalCount / 2)

    if (isLowOdd && isHighOdd) oddCount++
    return oddCount


 * @param {string} s
 * @param {string} t
 * @return {boolean}
const isSubsequence = (s, t) => {
    let currLetterIndex = 0;
    for (let letter of t) {
        if (letter === s[currLetterIndex]) {
    return currLetterIndex === s.length


 * @param {string} address
 * @return {string}
const defangIPaddr = (address) => {
    return address.replaceAll('.', '[.]')


 * @param {string} s
 * @param {number[]} indices
 * @return {string}
const restoreString = (s, indices) => {
    let result = Array(s.length).fill("")

    indices.forEach((new_index, index) => result[new_index] = s[index])

    return result.join('')


 * @param {string} s
 * @return {string[]}
const cellsInRange = (s) => {
    const [cellOne, cellTwo] = s.split(":")

    const cellOneCol = colLetterToNumber(cellOne[0]) // K
    const cellOneRow = parseInt(cellOne[1])   // 1
    const cellTwoCol = colLetterToNumber(cellTwo[0]) // L
    const cellTwoRow = parseInt(cellTwo[1])   // 2

    const cells = []
    for (let i = cellOneCol; i <= cellTwoCol; i++) {
        for (let j = cellOneRow; j <= cellTwoRow; j++) {
            cells.push(colNumberToLetter(i) + j.toString())

    return cells

const colLetterToNumber = (letter) => {
    return letter.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 97
const colNumberToLetter = (number) => {
    return String.fromCharCode(97 + number).toUpperCase()